San José Mineta International Airport (SJC) was the first airport to offer therapy dogs in the terminals, starting shortly after 9/11 to help calm passengers’ nerves before flying.
SJC’s Interfaith Chaplain Volunteer Kathryn Liebschutz owned a trained rescue/therapy Boxer/Great Dane mix dog named Orion. She asked for permission to bring Orion to SJC to alleviate travelers’ anxieties about taking to the skies again. Orion was an immediate hit with passengers and employees alike as he and Kathryn spent long hours during that week offering comfort.
Today, the Airport's program, SJC Happy Tails, has 54 active and certified therapy animals including 51 dogs, two cats and one rabbit. If and when you see one of our therapy animals, feel free to share your photos with us on social media by using #sjchappytails.
Please note that therapy animal services are not available every day, cannot be scheduled in advance and are not guaranteed to be at SJC during your visit. The animal handlers (owners) are all volunteers and bring their therapy animals to the Airport in their spare time – most often during evenings and weekends.