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Chapter 9: Seymour strives to flatten the curve and his belly

After having tried out the dating app, ClickCluck, Seymour began to feel more optimistic. He was still disappointed that leisure travel was not advised during Shelter-In-Place – SJC was open for essential travel only – but knowing that he might find a new adventure buddy or even a girlfriend on ClickCluck gave him a welcome distraction from his desire to travel. 

It had been seven days, but he still hadn’t received a message from Sarah Fowler on ClickCluck.

Sarah Fowler

In the meantime, Seymour decided it was time to get in shape. He had been snacking a lot lately and realized this habit was getting a bit out of control. 

Seymour and Jose are snack-aholics

Seymour feels like working on his beach body :)

Thus, he hired a personal trainer named Woody to coach him virtually.

Woody, an innovative personal trainer who doesn't let COVID-19 stop him from working

Woody first advised Seymour via a Tweet to begin with some wing lifts (lifting weights to strengthen his wings).

Seymour puts pounds on the weight bar to drop a few pounds

Woody also advised Seymour to try biking to add some aerobic exercise to the mix. Thus, Seymour dusted off his bike and began exploring his neighborhood.

Like fast jets, Seymour likes fast bicycles

As always, Seymour made sure to wear a mask when outside. He had read online that it was Santa Clara County’s protocol to wear masks in public places. Even at SJC, several posts had been published stating that all members of the public and personnel at Mineta San Jose International Airport (SJC) were required to wear face coverings inside Airport buildings. He knew he had to do his part to help flatten the curve while at the same time flattening his belly for that matter...


To be continued… Chapter 10


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